Ounasvaara näköalatorni (lookout tower) can be reached from the football ground next to Santa Sports Center after a 30-minute walk. The terrain is rugged but not challenging. After the short walk, you will find the lookout tower, a wind shelter and two fire pits. If you want to come for a picnic with your kids this is convenient and perfect. I visited one day after the first snow and landscape were whitewashed in preparation for winter. Evergreens and few stubborn shrubs added green to the landscape otherwise, it was white and brown mostly.
Forest and rocky terrain.
Starting point
Hiihtomajantie 4, 96400
Kemijoki and Salmijärvi in the horizon/Kemijoki ja Salmijärvi horisontissa
Rovaniemi City in the horizon./Rovaniemen keskusta horisontissa
Kemijoki in the horizon/Kemijoki horisontissa
Looks like someone has proposed from the lookout tower :D/Näyttää siltä, että joku on kosinut näköalatornista
Starting from Bakunkärr parking area the trail follows the dirt road for a while, before turning to the right and going into the woods. Early on the trail is fairly flat with some roots of the trees to step over.
The trail doesn’t leave the woods at any point, only the type of the forest varies along the way. At a few points you can see some landscapes peeking a little through the trees, but can’t really get a proper view. The terrain rises and falls almost all the way, but not really steeply.
According to the sign posts the distance between Bakunkärr and Kalkkiruukki is 3,3 km and on the map (meant for planning the hike, not orienteering) 3,5 km.
Kalkkiruukki lean-to is on a rocky hill, but the area is not too exposed or windy. In addition to the lean-to you’ll find there a fire pit and an eating area with tables and benches, wood shed and an outhouse. There is some levelish ground for a few tents. We ended up spending the night in the lean-to instead of putting up the tent.
Wooded and hilly but mostly a broad, easy path that’s even been build at some points. A bit rocky here and there, some duckboards.
Starting point
Bakunkärr (parking area) 60,305846°N 25,197018°E
Path along the dirt road/Alun polku hiekkatien reunaa
Terrain early on/Alkumatkan maastoa
Trail markings/Polun merkinnät
Uphill and downhill/Ala- ja ylämäkeä…
Small bridges over wet spots/Pieniä siltoja kosteikkojen yli
Hill again/Jälleen mäki
Trail markings+bridge/Polun merkintöjä ja silta
Trail near to Kalkkiruukki getting really wide and easy/Loppumatkan leveä ja tasainen polku
Buildings at Kalkkiruukki/Kalkkiruukin rakennuksia
Steps to make moving easier/Portaita helpottamaan liikkumista
Purunpää wind shelter is located in the Ölmos-Purunpää conservation area. Best way to reach it is via Söderlångvik museum. You will pass the apple orchards of Söderlångvik and then follow the path marked with yellow across the forest. Most part of the trail through the forest is rocky and you will notice how trees have adapted to survive on the rocky terrain with very little soil. Wind shelter is located on a high point looking over Purunpää bay.
It offers a breathtaking view and wide variety of plant life. If you are lucky you might see a moose or an eagle.